
David Wilson is usually desk-bound, but enjoys travelling to off-the-usual track places.  He’d been living and working in Tokyo for 2 years, and before starting back at work in Australia, took some time off work in April 2010, which provided the opportunity to fulfil his interest with tiny Tuvalu (population approximately 10,000).  Funafuti Atoll is probably the most geographically isolated place he’d ever been, and needless to say Tuvalu was quite the contrast to the big city in Tokyo.  He spent 5 days exploring around the country’s main atoll, Funafuti.

Tuvalu receives only around 150 tourists each year (as distinct from other visitors), so it was a quite a privilege to be one of them in 2010.  Equipped with a new camera purchased in Japan, everyday Funafuti was captured through the lens.

This website displays over 300 photos taken around Funafuti Atoll.  The creation of this website (late 2013) is long overdue, but is intended as a photographic travelogue showing the scenes found around Funafuti Atoll.

Tuvalu is facing some major challenges, and as much as it receives international attention as an important symbol of climate change, there appear to be few online photo galleries showing what Tuvalu looks like. It’s a beautiful place, and needs to be protected.  This website will hopefully play its own small part in raising some more awareness of Tuvalu how beautiful it is, and the perils and challenges it faces.

Wading ashore on Funafala